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With the introduction of Pega Constellation, organizations may still require the integration of Theme-Cosmos landing pages and case types into the new Constellation applications. Pega provides a seamless way to blend traditional UI components with the modern Constellation framework.

This guide explores the steps to achieve this integration, offering clarity and best practices to ensure optimal performance and usability.



Before starting the development, ensure to meet the following prerequisites,

  1. Identify the Theme-Cosmos application where your case types or landing pages are built.
  2. Create a branch (if branch development is enabled) or keep the highest application ruleset version open.
  3. Include the Theme-Cosmos application in the built-on application list of your Constellation application.

Generate Assets

  1. Navigate to App Studio > Settings > Traditional UI in Constellation.
  2. Click the Generate Assets button.
  3. Select the Theme-Cosmos application from the dropdown list and specify:
  • Application Name
  • Application version
  • Skin to be used for rendering

Adding Case Types

If your Theme-Cosmos application contains valid case types, they will appear under the Add button. Select the desired case types to include.

Adding Landing Pages

  • Click Add and fill out the following details in the popup:
    • Display Name: Provide a meaningful name for your landing page.
    • Class: Specify the class where your harness exists.
    • Harness: Select the appropriate harness.
    • Data Transform (DT): Choose a DT for initializing defaults on the page context.

Demo Tip: Add one case type and one landing page together for testing purposes.

Click Save to generate the necessary assets.


Displaying Case Types and Landing Pages in the Portal

  1. Update the Application Rule with the generated case types so that they can be shown under create option in left navigation.
  2. Open the Web Portal Channel in App Studio.
  3. Add the new case types and landing pages to the Left Navigation Menu for user accessibility.
  4. Once the changes to the left navigation are done, you should be able to see the new items in your web portal.

Test Results

  • Case Type Execution: Verify that the case types function as expected within the portal.
  • Landing Page Execution: Ensure the landing pages render correctly with the selected configurations.

Reviewing Assets

Open Dev Studio and check the branch or ruleset version for the following rules generated by Pega:

  1. Activity: @baseclass: pyGetCoexistenceWizardData
  2. Data Transform: @baseclass: CoexistenceCasesDT

The mashup code in the activity’s history tab references the Data-Channel-Mashup instance, which enables the traditional UI snippets to function within the Constellation application.

Modifications and Deployment checklist

Below are a few items to be taken care of while you make changes to any existing assets and move the changes to higher environments.

  1. Update the ruleset in the mashup code to match the appropriate application context for higher environments.
  2. Include the Data-Channel-Mashup instance in the deployment product. A new mashup instance is generated for every change made to the assets.
  3. Deploy the built-on application if it is newly created.

Note: Any updates or modifications to the landing pages in App Studio will refresh the rules (activity and mashup instances), so ensure to validate them post-update.

Author Credits 

JayaChandra Siddipeta 

Vice President, Technology  

LinkedIn: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/jayachandra-siddipeta-hyd/

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